

Top 6 High Protein Foods,

Top 6 High Protein Foods,

I hope you all are good. 

But firstly, thankyou all for Supporting our channel. Thankyou so much. 

And i am back again with this new blog and today we're not doing any training blog

Today I brought a very interesting topic in which we'll talk about 

Top 6 high Protein sources which are easily available in indian markets and you all must include in your diet. 

Let's start our blog. 

I will talk about protein sources during the blog but before that an important thing that

Many people believes that protein is for only for those who are doing physical activities,

athlete's or people whose aim is to build muscles

But this is not true. A normal human also needs a minimum requirement of protien to maintain a healthy lifestyle

which is 0.8 gm per Kg of body weight

But if your purpose is muscle building or if you are indulged in any 

physical activity then the protein requirement may vary

Which is 1.22-2 gm per Kg of body weight. 

Along with protein, it is important to note that how much should be your carbohydrate and fats intake

And all this depends on your BMI. If your BMI is less than 18.5, that means you are underweight  

But if your BMI is between 18.5-25 then you fall in normal category but if it's between 25-30 

that means you are overweight and if more than 30, that means you are obese. 

The sources which I chose for you all are because all those are high in protein and also 

low in fat which means you can choose any protein sources regardless of your BMI. 

1st source is Chicken breast which is one of the best sources for non-vegetarians 

in which you'll get 27-30 gm of protein and very less 3-4 gm fat per 100 gm 

So try to add chicken in at least 1 meal but remember it should be fresh and clean it before cooking it. 

And along with protein, chicken is also very beneficial for bone health. 

2nd source is Green moong dal. Vegetarians always complain that they are

not having enough protein sources as non vegetarians have. 

But this is not true. Green Moong dal can be a boon for you because 100 gm raw moong dal

contains 24 gm protein and again very less fat which is 1.5-2 gm approximately

By the way, you can consume any kind of pulses but I chose Green moong dal 

because it is low in carbs and also easy to digest. 

You can consume this once in a day in the form of sprouts or normally cooked as it is prepared in Indian homes. 

3rd option is Whey protein but people have created so many myths about this like 

Girls should not drink this, only the gym going people should consume this

and some even says that this damages the kidney

But all these are wrong. Whey protein is all natural and you get 24 gm protein per serving. 

It is easy to consume and easy to carry. With this, your body can digest Whey protein very easily 

But you should remember that your Whey protein should be genuine and you should choose a good brand

And nowadays I am trying Big muscle's newly launched Frotien. 

I was bored drinking chocolate, vanilla since a long time. So big muscle has brought these 

refreshing and delicious fruit flavours.

I tried Litchi flavor and it's very tasty but with that, there are many other flavours available in the market like 

Mango, orange, guava etc. In per 34 gm serving, you'll get 26 gm protein which is the

mixture of isolate, concentrate and hydrolyzed whey. 

With that you'll get 5.5 gm BCAA which is very good for your recovery.

With that it contains 0 sugar and this product is gluten free.  

And a very nice thing that this product is pocket friendly. Link is given in the description box. 

Click it and use this and do let me know in the comment box about how was this. 

4th source is Fish. Fish is a very nice protein source for you all. 

In 100 gm, you'll get 21-25 gm of protein but, it depends on which fish you're eating. 

With that you'll get 8-12 gm of fat but don't worry because this is good fat and  

it is very beneficial for your heart health, skin, eyes, hairs and nails. 

So you can eat any fish to meet your daily protein requirements.  

5th source is Egg. Egg is also a good protein source for you all.  

In 1 egg, you get approximately 5.5 gm protein but if we separate out the yolk, 

Then you'll get 3 gm protein in the remaining egg white. 

People who eat 1-2 eggs a day can eat it with yolk but if you want to consume it in 

greater quantity then I'll suggest you to consume without yolk. 

Eggs are easily available in the market and you can eat this in any form like boiled, omelette and best part is that 

With protein, you get vitamins and minerals in enough quantity. 

6th and last source is Soya chunks. Soya chunks is a very good and high protein option for vegetarians. 

In 100 gm, you get around 52 gm protein and only 0.5 gm fat. 

Many people say that by eating soya, testosterone decreases and astrogen increases. 

This is a very controversial topic so we're not going into that. 

On a safer side you can consume 25-40 gm of soya chunks in a day.  

So I told you about the 6 best protein sources but apart from these, there are many other sources

like Milk, Curd, Paneer, Nuts, Beans, etc. 

But with protein, all these contains fats in much quantity. 

So the people who all are under weight or having less Body fat percentage, Can use these sources. 

But the people who all are overweight or obese, can avoid these. 

So the sources which I chose are those which everyone can include in their diet. 

This was our today's 

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